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Our guidelines for translation, post-editing and revision 

4 min read

Guidelines for SMART translations  #

Texts are translated using an automated system, then checked by an experienced translator (post-editing). We work in accordance with the NEN-ISO 18587_2017 guidelines (black text below), with the addition of our own supplemental requirements (green text) to ensure quality.  

  • Use as much of the ‘raw’ MT output as possible ;
  • Ensure that no information has been added or omitted;
  • Edit ‘inappropriate content’;
  • Restructure sentences when the meaning is incorrect or unclear;

  • Produce the most grammatically, syntactically and semantically correct text possible in the target language, within a time limit of 800 words per hour;
  • Apply spelling, punctuation and hyphenation rules as much as possible, within a time limit of 800 words per hour;
  • Apply formatting rules, within a time limit of 800 words per hour.
  • Part 1 – PE volgens NEN-ISO 18587_2017
  • Part 2 – Toevoeging voor SMART-kwaliteitsniveau (Tekom)

Guidelines for PRO translations  #

Texts are translated using an automated system, then checked thoroughly and, where necessary, fine-tuned by an experienced translator (full post-editing). We adhere to the guidelines of the NEN-ISO 18587_2017.  PRO translators are native speakers of the target language and the subsequent revisions are also carried out native-speaking linguists. This process is ISO 17100:2015 certified. 

  • Ensure that no information has been added or omitted;
  • Edit ‘inappropriate content’;
  • Restructure sentences when meaning is incorrect or unclear;
  • Produce a grammatically, syntactically and semantically correct text in the target language
  • Adhere to client and/or domain terminology (from the termbase);
  • Apply rules for spelling and punctuation;
  • Ensure the style used is appropriate to the type of text, and that any stylistic guidelines provided by the client are adhered to;
  • Apply formatting rules.

+ Revisions should be carried out in accordance with the following guidelines.

Guidelines for revision (PRO only)  #

Our revision guidelines are aimed at achieving an objective and consistent level of quality in the translations we provide, regardless of language combination, translator, reviser, subject or client. It is also important that we have a minimum quality level for unrevised translations (Tekom standard), that this level is known to our revisers, and that we carry out an objective assessment of whether our linguists meet this standard. 


The translation is an accurate representation of the source text. No content has been omitted, nor any added that is not found in the source document.


The applicable rules and requirements relating to punctuation, style, spelling, grammar and syntax have been used correctly. The translation has the correct form (e.g. formal or informal), consistent translation choices have been made and links have been adapted properly. 


Terms – domain-specific or otherwise – have been translated using the appropriate technical or preferred terminology, and the terminology has been applied consistently. 

Style & tone of voice

Er zijn stilistische problemen met de vertaling. De vertaling heeft een vreemde, ongemakkelijke stijl, waardoor de tekst niet prettig leest, of de vertaling past niet bij de organisatiespecifieke stijlrichtlijnen, of de stijl van vertaling is niet consistent toegepast.

Culture-specific considerations in the source have been translated in such a way that they are also comprehensible in the translation. 

When is a text suitable for SMART or PRO?  #

If a text is not suitable for either of these service levels based on the above specifications, or if the text is of a medical or legal nature or contains other highly specialist terminology (technical terms), we recommend our PREMIUM service level. PREMIUM translations are always customised (specialised) and carried out entirely by human translators. 

The language combination 

Automated translation tools are most successful when the text is translated from or into English. The more common the language, the better the output. 

Complexity and sentence length 

Long sentences are usually more complicated for a KI/AI to follow due to subject/objection confusion. 

Many clauses or concatenations also cause problems. 

Lots of ambiguous language or words that can be interpreted in different ways and a lot of use of synonyms. 


An automated translation process can’t do much with specialised texts on a specific subject area. The quality of the output is determined by the frequency of use in the source and target languages. 

Presence of many DoNotTranslate elements 

Such as tags, character limits or server commands. 

The purpose of the text 

Texts with a very specific target audience, where subtlety is key, create much more work for a post-editor than a general news item.