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Tekom International

Since 1976

We translate into over 80 languages and work with 750+ translators

In all modesty: Tekom has been a leader in translations since 1976. The high level of our professionals has always been a significant factor in this. Translators who work for us are passionate about language and highly motivated to deliver the very best results. We seek a perfect balance between ‘old-school’ expertise and modern technology. We are continuously expanding our team of freelancers and improving their level of knowledge and skills.
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Who’s who at Tekom

Meet our people

Mieke Tangali-Jharap

Senior Project Manager

A familiar face & point of contact since 2000.  

Ricky Mahajan

PM & Translator

For Spanish translations and project management. 

Paula Biesta

Translator, PM & Technology Lead

Your point of contact for Dutch translations and technical queries.

Heather Lane

PM & Translator

For English translations and project management.  Your point of contact for PIT translations.

Ingeborg Verduijn


Is in charge of the day-to-day management of the company.